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HRT for Women  
HRT for Hot Flashes
Hot Flash Relief from Hormone Replacement Therapy
There are many challenges facing women as they age. In addition to decreased levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, other hormones taper off during menopause such as melatonin, DHEA, human growth hormone and thyroid hormones.  Dysfunction of thermoregulation, (more commonly known as hot flashes) in perimenopausal women is predominately due to loss of ovarian production of inhibin. Hormone Replacement Therapy is the most effective and safest treatment for these discomforting symptoms.
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*DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The educational material contained in this site is based on readily available information and the experience of Forever Ageless Age Management and Bioidentical HRT. This information is not intended to self diagnose any conditions or treatments and it is recommended that you seek a professional's opinion. This information is not intended to diagnose, treate or prevent any disease.